Tuesday, December 16, 2008

it's 5 o'clock somewhere

I want to b**ch so badly about something that just happened at work. Oh I am so flipping people off right now. I'm sitting at my desk, tucked away in my office at the end of the corner of the hallway...I am way in the back of the suite and nobody can see me, although maybe they could hear me if I were to cut loose with the profanity that is dancing across my tongue right now. So it is safe enough for me to sit here and lift my hands off the keyboard once in a while, just long enough to flip off so-and-so and the other so-and-so and while I'm at it, everybody else in that little meeting room - except for that one guy who is always really nice and laughs at my jokes - because really the whole crew is a bunch of idiots. Gawd.

This is especially annoying because I was in a really good mood. I didn't even appreciate what a great mood I was in until this thunderclap of hideous anger and pissed-off-ness fell upon me when stupid so-and-so did you-know-what and had all that attitude and whatnot. Now my happy mood has left me and I can barely see it just on the horizon of my moodsphere, drifting happily along with a la-la-la-la-la that I can just ever-so-faintly hear. Stupid people with their stupid being-human-ness. I know what happened. They are miserable sitting in that stupid meeting in that stupid little room listening to each other talking on and on and on stupidly, and fool that I am, I walked in and gave them fresh meat to pick over. We are all victims of this thing called The Workplace. Stupid workplace.

Is it 5 o'clock yet?


Anonymous said...

Oh, after that you have to actually spill it!

gudnuff said...

This cesspool is full enough already. No need to add anyone else to it.

I just keep repeating my mantras: I-get-paid-well, I-get-paid-well, I-get-paid-well...
this-too-shall-pass, this-too-shall-pass, this-too-shall-pass...
5-o'clock-will-come, 5-o'clock-will-come, 5-o'clock-will-come...