Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Computer Engineer Barbie

It's official. Barbie is giving the geek look a try! (complete with Bluetooth headset and nerdy/trendy glasses!)

“As a computer engineer, Barbie will show girls that women can turn their ideas into realities that have a direct and positive impact on people’s everyday lives in this exciting and rewarding career.”

"All the girls who imagine their futures through Barbie will learn that engineers — like girls — are free to explore infinite possibilities, limited only by their imagination,” says Nora Lin, President, Society of Women Engineers.

Hmmm...free to explore infinite possibilities. Yeah, like leaving computer work for a different career. Magic Cookie did it ("Having a job I care about is a good thing."). How's THAT for an imagination?

Barbie doesn't make it look all that great, anyway. Just further confirmation that there's no dressing this up. You can even stamp a Mattel label on rubberized computer work, but that doesn't make it any less geeky. Would Ken be interested in her now? I wonder.


gudnuff said...

What's really funny is the fact that Computer Engineer Barbie is a blonde. Somebody asked in a comment about this on Boy Genius (http://www.boygeniusreport.com/2010/02/12/matel-introduces-computer-engineer-barbie/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+TheBoyGeniusReport+%28Boy+Genius+Report%29&utm_content=Twitter) "So why isn’t she Indian? There aren’t many white American software engineers anymore, in case anyone hasn’t noticed."


Patois42 said...

But she keeps her slammin' stylish clothes, eh?

Lawyer Mom said...

An engineer in leggings? Now that's inspiring!